Service Category: Effective

Social Communication Therapy

Speech Therapy is not limited to targeting pronunciation and learning how to speak properly – it’s about communication in all forms!  Therapy at Austin’s Communication Station is a place where kids learn about how to be a part of the world around them. At Austin’s Communication Station we use the Social Thinking ® Methodology and a variety of other approaches to social skills therapy and executive functioning therapy to support your child’s ability to emotionally regulate by thinking about themselves, others, and their environment, in a whole new way. We want to see your child thrive as an individual, and in a way that is authentic to your family’s culture and priorities. 

At Austin’s Communication Station, both your Speech Therapists and Occupational Therapists will work together to support your child’s highest level of function. By offering both group and individual sessions, we create opportunities for explicit learning of social and executive functioning tools, as well as organic moments of implementation and practice in a peer setting and working with a variety of adults and therapists to generalize knowledge. This format is great for social communication learners, and we love watching your kids grow and learn how to make friends and interact in everyday life.

Does your child demonstrate difficulties with any of the following… ?
If so, we can help!

Feeding Therapy/Picky Eaters

If your child only eats certain foods or dislikes trying new foods he/she may be considered a picky eater.   Sensory sensitive children may be hypersensitive to the way food looks, smells, feels, or sounds which can limit their overall diet and nutrition.  

Eating is not just about chewing and swallowing food.   The SOS (Sequential Oral Sensory) Feeding Therapy approach explains:

There are six major “Steps to Eating” – Eating does not begin at the mouth!

First, we must tolerate the physical presence or the look of the food. This might even include just being in the same room as the food. Then, perhaps, we can interact with the food without directly touching the food to your skin, maybe by using a kitchen utensil like a mini food chopper or a fork. Next, our body needs to process and manage the smell or odor of a food.  The play then expands to include touching the food with your fingers, hands, body, and mouth. Think about that baby first learning to eat! Tasting comes next, which might look like quickly poking the food with the tip of your tongue, or maybe putting the food in your mouth, and spitting it out. Finally, we are ready to practice chewing and swallowing. (Source: